For 3rd AD: 2 liberal DEMOCRATS vs. a LIBERTARIAN; There are no other candidates.

Libertarian candidates stand for:

  • lower taxes,
  • smaller government,
  • empowerment:
    empowerment of local government and individuals
         to run their own communities and their own lives and businesses.

    We oppose the monster-government from Albany,
    a hideous Frankenstein stitched together by the 2 big parties.

  • A power-hungry state gov't that ships our dollars up the river, trickles down pennies,
  • then it hands down "mandates" forcing local gov'ts to raise & spend even more taxes. Had enuf of this? Ditch the donkey AND the elephant - vote Libertarian!

    Libertarians believe that YOU can decide, (better than your bureaucratic masters in Albany), what to do with your own tax dollars and how to run your own communities.

    I support Chris Garvey's calls to end the sales tax, reduce size and power of the state government, & restore Constitutional rights.

    What does the libertarian party stand for?
    For the full story, just call 1-800-ELECT-US; only enuf time for a few sound bytes:

    - - - - - - - - (R E S U M E     H E R E) - - - - - -

    Had enuf? Vote Libertarian!    To find out more, call 1-800-ELECT-US


    If you are happy with the New York State Assembly, as it is now, then by all means vote for one of my two opponents -- it hardly matters which one. If you like the way this state is governed, then just flip a coin to pick one of the major party candidates for Governor, and vote for more of the same.

    BUT, if you want to send a message:  that you've had enuf and you're "not going to take it any more", the do the following:

    50,000 votes for Chris Garvey, we put a new political party permanently on the ballot -- a party opposed to what the Democrats AND the Republicans have done to this state.

    Regardless of whether you agree with every plank of the Libertarian platform, help us get the 50,000 votes to place on the ballot the first truly independent party, not controlled by the big two like all the others are.