I'm Bruce A. Martin,
Unbelievable as it seems,
there is no Republican on the ballot,
Libertarian Party candidates stand for:
In NY, Libertarian candidates oppose the
monstrously-huge state government in Albany,
Libertarians believe that YOU can decide,
(better than your bureaucratic masters in Albany),
what to do with your own tax dollars
and how to run your own communities.
All 8 LP candidates in this area
opposed the LIPA/LILCO Bailout Bond Deal.
Chris Garvey is now the Libertarian candidate for Governor;
I support his calls to end the sales tax,
reduce size and power of the state government,
& restore Constitutional rights.
What does the libertarian party stand for?
An early U.S. coin displayed the motto:
"Mind your own business".
That's what liberty is all about.
It has been said that a libertarian salad is:
lettuce alone!
Had enuf? Vote Libertarian!
To find out more, call 1-800-ELECT-US
if you want to send a message:
that you've had enuf
and you're "not going to take it any more",
the no the following:
Regardless of whether you agree with every plank of the Libertarian platform,
help us get the 50,000 votes to place on the ballot
the first truly independent party,
not controlled by the big two like all the others are.
Libertarian Party candidate
for New York State Assembly, 3rd district.
Both of them are enrolled Democrats.
Both of them are Tax & Spend liberals
-- they have both proven this repeatedly
by their voting records as members of
Sheldon Silver's majority in the State Assembly.
and no other parties have additional candidates in this race!
So, this election contest boils down to
two liberal DEMOCRATS vs. a LIBERTARIAN.
Incidentally, each of my 2 opponents was picked several years ago
by the party leaders of one of the major parties -
and then this year
was picked by the party leader of the opposite major party.
Now, I'm still confused and skeptical about all this
jockeying by the party bosses,
and so are the most of the voters!
I've never run for public office before.
I've always been enrolled in the Conservative Party -
but that is a NY-State-only party.
As for national parties,
I cannot support either the Repucrats nor the Demoblicans
-- to me, they are merely two wings of what I'd call the Incumbent Party.
to run their own communities and their own lives and businesses.
We will reduce the growing burden
that gov't regulations impose upon peaceful citizens.
a hideous Frankenstein that has been stitched together
over the years
by the 2 big parties.
(Last March, Chris Garvey and I spoke before the County Legislature
demanding a Referendum.)
For the full story, just call 1-800-ELECT-US;
only enuf time for me to give you a few sound bytes:
eat all your vegetables, don't smoke too much,
here's your allowance,
buy only politically-correct cars, textbooks, health plans, etc.
and you'd better believe: Mother knows best!
swindle whoever you want (if you can get away with it),
but if your lifestyle violates
their "community standards", WATCH OUT!
Big Daddy just might drag you out to the woodshed
for a "lesson".
You are accountable for what you do.
Government's main job is to protect the weak from the bullies.
In the 3rd AD,
if you are happy with the New York State Assembly, as it is now,
then by all means vote for one of my two opponents
-- it hardly matters which one.
If you like the way this state is governed,
then just flip a coin to pick one of the major party candidates for Governor,
and vote for more of the same.
This year,
the NY election law
provides you with a very interesting opportunity,
for the last time this century:
if just 50,000 Mew Yorkers vote for Chris Garvey,
end tho it won't make him Governor,
we will get a new political party permanently on the ballot
-- a party opposed to what the Democrats AND the Republicans
have done to this state.