BCS 215 Final Exam
In your home (login) directory,
create a subdirectory named "shared".
Set permissions allowing new files to be created by
anyone in the group "/home/students/"
BUT not allowing directory to be searched.
Users outside the group can access
a file if (and only if) they know the file name.
Create the following files in this (~/shared/) directory:
A hidden file with a name that ends with the last two digits of your RAM ID number.
- Write the full path name of the hidden file in a new (non-hidden) file whose name is your first name, beginning with a Capital letter.
- Create a file named "run" that anyone can execute,
but only group members can read, and nobody but you can write.
- Create a file named "frozen" that anyone can execute,
but nobody can read or write.
- Create a file named "public" that anybody can read/write, but only you can execute.
- Create a file named "secret" that anyone can execute, but only you can read or write.
- Create a file named "top" that only you can read (and nobody can write or execute).
Everything below
should be in your
along with your projects
Execute unix commands
to write the following to a file named six,
in your ~/final/ dir.
- Your First and Last name.
- Today's date and time.
- What day of the year (from 1 to 365) is today?
- How many user names (in "/home/students/")
begin with same first letter as yours?
Make a link to the
file in my "final/" directory
(or to link in my "bam/" directory),
and use it for the next 5 items.
- In the
how many lines
do NOT contain the string "None"?
- How many lines do NOT contain either "John" OR "William"
- The 5th field contains a range of years separated with a dash, such as "(1861-1865), OR a single year, such as "(1841)".
How many lines have NO dash in this field.
- The 9th field also contains either a range of years or a single year. Count how many lines do NOT have a dash in this field.
Store your command history in a file named "h".
In your ~/final/ directory,
write a bash script named
that asks the user to enter a list of positive numbers,
one per line,
with a zero at the end of the list.
As each positive value is read in, do the following:
- * Output the value, add it to total "t", and add one to counter "n".
- $ Update variables "hi" & "lo"
to contain biggest & smallest values read in, so far.
(HINT: Initialize both of these to the first value read in, before starting input loop.)
- $ Square each input number (i.e. multiply it by itself), and add that to a quantity called "ss" (for the sum of the squares).
Do starred (*) items first;
add "$" items later.
When the zero is read in, do the following:
- * Be sure NOT to increase the counter!
- * Divide total (t) by counter (n), to compute average.
(HINT: Don't worry about losing any fractions when these two integers are divided.)
- $ Set "tt" equal to the square of the total "t"
(by multiplying t by itself).
- $ Set "diff" equal to ss - tt/n
- $ Compute the variance v = (ss - tt/n) / n
( = diff / n )
- * Output the following (with approriate text to identfy each result):
- * The total (t).
- * The number of input values (n).
- * The mean average of the values.
- * The range of values (smallest to biggest).
- $ Sum of the squares (ss), tt/n, and diff.
- $ Variance (v)
Test your script, with output to console,
and input from keyboard;
then run it with
input from data files in ~martinb/final/
and output to files in your
Enter a list of positive values
(ending the list with zero).
Smallest: 11
Biggest: 19
Total is 135
Count is 9
Average: 15
ss-tt/n= 2085 - 18225 / 9 = 60
variance: 6
Below are some tests you can perform:
- If all values are equal, variance should be zero.
- If values in list are very different, variance is large.
- If hi & lo are far apart, variance should be large.
- If the list contains the numbers 1 thru 10,
average should be 5 and variance should be 8.
- If the list contains "100 200 300"
the average should be 200 and the variance should be 666.
Input from ~martinb/final/data.1;
and redirect output to your file
Input from
and redirect output to
Input from ~martinb/final/data.3.
and redirect output to
Input from ~martinb/final/data.4.
and redirect output to