(2018 March 15-29)
Create separate directories (named "x4/", "x5/", "x8/")
for the set of problems from each of the chapters (5, 6, 8).
Chapter 4:
Do projects 4-2 thru 4-13 (pp. 187-199) in directory ~/x4/
WARNING: Be very careful with the "-r" option in 4-6.
Make sure it is "rm -r company" not "rm -r",
and execute it only when your working directory is x4.
If you execute "rm -r" in your home directory,
it will delete ALL of you files (in all subdirectories).
Chapter 5:
Do projects 5-1 thru 5-6 (pp. 187-199) in directory ~/x4/
Also, try doing Project 5-8 (pp.250-251)
Chapter 8: Read pp. 399-417.
NOTE: Tables on pp. 401-405 are for reference only!
Get acquainted with tools and utilities in unix.
You must know how to look things up when needed
(including Appendix B, man, apropos, etc.),
but there is no need to memorize anything!
Also, review the summary and key terms (pp 430-431).
Do projects 8-1, 8-3*, 8-4, 8-11, 8-12 (pp. 426-447) in ~/x8/
For 8-3, cd into your "x8/" directory, then use
du ~ > p8.3
to store the results on a file.
Projects in Chapter 1:
(No need to save these in x1.)
1-3 thru 1-7, 1-9, 1-14-17