(2018 March 15-29)

Create separate directories (named "x4/", "x5/", "x8/") for the set of problems from each of the chapters (5, 6, 8).

Chapter 4:
Do projects 4-2 thru 4-13 (pp. 187-199) in directory ~/x4/

Chapter 5:
Do projects 5-1 thru 5-6 (pp. 187-199) in directory ~/x4/
Also, try doing Project 5-8 (pp.250-251)

Chapter 8: Read pp. 399-417.

Also, review the summary and key terms (pp 430-431).

Do projects 8-1, 8-3*, 8-4, 8-11, 8-12 (pp. 426-447) in ~/x8/

For 8-3, cd into your "x8/" directory, then use       du ~ > p8.3
to store the results on a file.

Projects in Chapter 1:
(No need to save these in x1.)

1-3 thru 1-7, 1-9, 1-14-17