Unix exercises for '18/2/8

BCS215 unix
exercises for '18/2/8

cd ~		# Your home dir
ls -l

mkdir 208
cd 208

touch a b c	# Create 3 files, here
ls -l
touch .p	# Create a file named ".p"
ls -l		# Where is it?
ls -la		# Notice . and ..
ls -a ..	# View parent directory

touch apple ape abc
touch r123 r234 r345 rock
touch up

cat > greetings		# Use cat to enter text from stdin
	How are you?
	I am fine.
	Ctrl-D				# ^D is EOF
tail -2 greetings
			# Show last two lines.

echo File name "globbing" in unix

cat > globbing
	*		matches		Anything (including empty string)
	?		matches		Exactly one character (but not empty string)
	[345]		matches		3 or 4 or 5
	[3-5]			  	(ditto)
	*.{jpg,jpeg,JPEG}  matches	any file names ending in .jpg, .jpeg, or .JPEG
					(but not *.JPG)		
Ctrl-D				# ^D is EOF

echo Now, try some globbing. ls a* ls g* ls *e ls a*c ls *c ls *c* ls r* ls r[12]* ls ?p* ls [a-g]* echo ALL DONE! Go home. cd # Default is ~ pwd rmdir 208 # Why is 208 still there? mkdir sub cd sub touch xyz touch .pqr cd .. ls sub # Where is .pqr? la -a sub rmdir sub # Why does this fail? ls -a sub rm sub/.pqr rmdir sub history | tail