Project "pay1": Trivial Payroll Program, with overtime

Process the weekly payroll for each employee of a company.
For each employee, compute weekly pay amount and create a paystub and a paycheck. INPUT:
Allow input of the following data for one employee:


When pay is computed for each employee, the program shall display a simulated pay stub and paychek similar to the following.
		Employee ID:  9842
		Last name:    Doe
		First name:   John
		Hourly rate:  $ 10.00

		Hours worked: 45
		Gross pay:    $ 450.00

		Pay to the order of John Doe
		the amount of $ 450.00


GROSS PAY: The gross pay amount shall be calculated from the pay rate and the hours worked.
For this version of the project, multiply the hours worked by the hourly pay rate.