CS13 Midterm

Create a web page ("midterm.html"),
similar to the following, using HTML tags only.
[[ Further instructions are within double-brackets ]]
Create another web page, using FrontPage. Call it "page2.html".
[[ See separate description of "Page 2". ]]

UPLOAD both pages (midterm.html and page2.html)
to your area on the server.
Also create duplicate files on the server for both pages, naming them "takehome.html" and "takehome2.html"
As a takehome exam, revise and improve it, by next Sunday midnite.


								YOUR NAME: _________________ 
								[[BOLD, RIGHT - add your own name!]]

[[ Place 2 images:  one on the left ..............and one on the right. ]] 

      [[ Now, make these 2 images swap places, when the mouse moves over the left image! ]]


	Shopping List 

	   1. Apples
	         A. Delicious
	         B. Granny Smith
	               i.   Red  [[Approximate colors for these four]]
	               ii.  Green
	               iii. Yellow
	               iv.  Brown
	         C. Macintosh
	   2. Pears
	         a. Anjou
	         b. Bartlett
	   3. Oranges
	         · Florida
	         · California
	         · Navel
	         · Mandarin
	   4. Watermelon

					[[  Center an image, here.  ]]
					[[  When user clicks on this image, jump to "page2"  ]]

TOP OF PAGE    [[ Make these words a link to the top of THIS page. ]]


[[ BUILD A TABLE similar to this one,using HTML tags only. ]]
[[ Replace each QUESTION ID with YOUR answer. ]]
[[ Use hex values (NOT color names) to make each cell approximately the color specified (at upper left). ]]

[[ NOTE:   Don't bother writing the color names in the cells. ]]
[[     Just change the background (using hex values, not color names). ]]
[[     (Colors are VERY approximate; don't waste time "fine-tuning" them. ]]