Public Class Form1 Dim a, b, r As Double 'First input value'Second input value'Result value Private Sub bAdd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles bAdd.Click '////Add Two numbers ' Add # in tA and tB to lResult '-Attempt 1- Me.lResults.text = Me.tA.Text + Me.tB.Text '0. INIT, Declaration, etc. '1. INPUT: Get two numbers from tA and tB input(r) '2. Process: Add them up addition(r) '3. Output: Put results in lResult output(r) End Sub Private Sub bSubtract_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles bSubtract.Click '////subtract Two numbers ' subtracts # in tA and tB to lResult '0. INIT, Declaration, etc. '1. INPUT: Get two numbers from tA and tB input(r) '2. Process: Subtract them subtraction(r) '3. Output: Put results in lResult output(r) End Sub Private Sub bMultiply_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles bMultiply.Click '////multiply Two numbers ' multiply # in tA and tB to lResult '0. INIT, Declaration, etc. '1. INPUT: Get two numbers from tA and tB input(r) '2. Process: Multiply them multiplication(r) '3. Output: Put results in lResult output(r) End Sub Private Sub bDivide_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles bDivide.Click '////dividing Two numbers ' dividing # in tA and tB to lResult '0. INIT, Declaration, etc. '1. INPUT: Get two numbers from tA and tB input(r) '2. Process: Divide them up Division(r) '3. Output: Put results in lResult output(r) End Sub Sub output(ByVal r As String) 'Outputs the results to lresult LResult.Items.Add(r) End Sub Sub addition(ByVal add As Double) 'Adds a and b r = a + b End Sub Sub subtraction(ByVal subt As Double) 'subtracts a and b r = a - b End Sub Sub multiplication(ByVal mult As Double) 'multiplies a and b r = a * b End Sub Sub Division(ByVal div As Double) 'divides a and b r = a / b End Sub Sub input(ByVal r As Double) 'inputs vals a and b for calculation a = Val(Me.tA.Text) b = Val(Me.tB.Text) End Sub End Class