1. Java Write a java program to do the following, and output the four results:
    1. Add up all numbers from 50 to 100.
    2. Add up all odd numbers from 50 to 100.
    3. Add up all numbers from 50 to 100, that are divisible by 7
    4. Add up all even numbers from 32768 to 65536.

  2. VB Write a VB form, with four buttons that do each of the above (java) tasks, using a List-Box for output.
      Add the following:
    1. A button to clear the output area (ListBox).
    2. A button ("btnHello") that initially says "HELLO" in its text field.
    3. Handler code for "btnHello" that changes its text to "GOODBYE", whenever it is clicked.
    4. A new text area named "txtWhatever", which outputs its text property in the output area (ListBox). whenever that text has been changed.

  3. Access Start with a (copy of) a database, make the specified changes, create a query as specified, and print out the results.

  4. HTML Write an HTML web page to display the following web page,
    using appropriate HTML tags (no <PRE> tags)
    to accomplish the "markups" indicated in [BRACKETS].

    Your Name [in purple]
    (in the upper-right corner of the page
    [Two horizontal liones, across the page]
    Questions will cover the following:
    	I.	Networks:	[RED]
    	II.	Units.		[BLUE]
    	III.	Hexadecimals	[GREEN]
    	IV.	Colors		[ORANGE]
    1.  Networks: 
    	A.  What protocol(s) are used by nearly all networks?
    	B.  What device (usually) tranforms computer digital information 
    		into electrical signals, for transmission to another computer?
    	C.  At (approximately) what distance must you change from LAN to WAN?
    	D.  What happens when two computers try to use the same network 
    		connection at the exact same time?
    2.  Units
    	a.   How many "micros" in a "Kilo"?
    	b.  How many hours are in a Kilo-day?
    	c. Compare a 500 MegaHertz CPU to that takes 2 ns to do something,
    	d.  Approximately how long would it take an electrical signal 
    		to go from here to the door (shortest path)?
    3.  Hexadecimals:   What is the (decimal) value of each of these?
    	i.   A
    	ii.  10
    	iii. 44
    	iv.  FF
    4.  Colors:   Describe the following (24-bit hex) colors:
    	1.  555555
    	2.  00FFFF
    	3.  999900
    	4.  330033
    			[Place an image here,
    			but make it change to another image
    			when the mouse is over it.]
    [Place a hyperlink here, 
    which goes to the top of this page.]