Sergio Rivera EG. 10 My Life Just imagine waking up one morning thinking everything is fine but really it wasn’t,and I was too young to understand. My parents stood on a road where it split in two, where they took a decision to find a new road. My father's decision was to move out of my native country Colombia and, move me with the family to the United States, was my turning point in my life. My life as a kid was the greatest, just playing all the time, no worries, just been a kid. Specially hanging around my cousins, uncles ,aunts, and that big family that it was so happy. It wasn’t all fairy tales, well for me it was, but for my parents the unemployment and the inflation rates that sweep the country was the cancer of their hopes, also looking at me and my brother growing up without a future in Colombia. when it came down to it to decide to move out Colombia, They took on the great crusade of moving the family to the great country of the United States, moving to a totally new culture and different language, so it was a wall to overcome in the long run. Eventually all the playing around and no worries as a kid wasn't all over, but just a different language to watch cartoons in. Once already in the United States experience began to change for us in a great way.This move made this event into the my life turning point. Along the way long time friends that move from Colombia too helped us with everything that we needed, especially for my brother ,and me to get to the right school, and to my parents hooking them up with jobs and favors like taking them to get the driving license, but mainly just taking us hand by hand until my family and I felt more at home. Also the new culture that was being put in from of my eyes was totally new for me, like for example the hip hop nation and all of its componets. Now been this my turning point in my life and been part a new great country, it really gave hope to my family to keep fighting to a better living and future in the United States. When it comes to the event that change my life and letting it become my turning point, it was the move to the United States from Colombia. A broader and smarter future that I wouldn't had in my country was in reach for me ,and my family.