1. User clicks on a hyperlink, to tell the browser to bring up a new Web page
  2. (C)Browser Collects URL information from the HREF field of the "A" (7) Server "A" tag (not "server" !!!)
  3. (I)Server interpets the HTML tags NO!!!   The "server" does not interpret the tags.   (The browser interprets tags, but that happens MUCH later in the sequence!)
    to correctly display a new web page on the web The page is displayed on an "output device" (such as a monitor).   (It is not "displayed on the web!
  4. (B)Client sends the server's ISP to the User (This makes no sense, at all!).
  5. (G) User sends a "response" (containing a copy of the requested resource) to the Client
  6. (C)server sends a "get" request, via the internet, to the Client However, it is out of sequence!
  7. (A)Browser locates and copies the requested file (containing HTML) from its User
  8. (G)URL extracts the BGCOLOR value from the Server
  9. (C)DNS translates the domain name into the IP address of the URL However, it is out of sequence!
  10. (A)User views the new page on an output device