This is text using P tag with an image used for BACKGROUND, BGCOLOR, and red TEXT in the BODY tag.This is text using P tag with BGCOLOR and TEXT in the BODY tag. This is text using P tag with BGCOLOR and TEXT in the BODY tag.This is text using P tag with BGCOLOR and TEXT in the BODY tag.
This is text using I tag, ALIGN right.
This is text using B tag
This is text using EM tag.
This is text using STRONG tag
This is text using
FONT tag, with FACE helvetica, COLOR navy, SIZE 5 and a BR tag.
This is text using FONT tag, with FACE arial, COLOR red, and SIZE 2.
This is text using U tag.
This is text using SUP tag: x2
This is text using SUB tag: Xa
This is text using S tag,STRIKETHRU.
Text using PRE tag. H H I H H I HHHH I H H I H H I
This is a link to Page 2 using A tag.
This is a link to Page 3 using A tag.