Jason Velez


The Font Tag can change to size,color,and align (FONT)

This tag can make your works into headings (H1)

This tag can make your words underlined (U)

This can list the tags (LI)

  • Greens
  • Apples
  • Pears
  • This is another tag that arranges in a list (OL)

    1. when
    2. love
    3. Want
    This tag demonstrates small text (Small)

    This tag makes your text into the next paragraph (P)

    This tag makes your words turn into bold (B)

    1. deca 10 ^1
    2. hecto 10^2
    3. Kilo 10^3
    4. Mega 10^6
    5. giga 10^9
    6. Tera 10^12
    7. Petra 10^15
    8. Exa 10^18
    1. #FFFFFF
    2. #FFFF40
    3. #000080
    4. #FFC0C0
    5. #FF4040
    6. #000000
    7. #80FFFF
    8. #808080
      1. Put it in blank cd
      2. Put in a save folder such as my files
      3. Save it on a diffrent hardrive
      4. Usb Drive