Sub Quicksort (List() As Long, start As Integer, finish As Integer)
Dim pivot As Long
Dim hi As Integer
Dim lo As Integer
Dim i As Integer

    ' If the list has no more than 1 element, it's sorted.
    If start >= finish Then Exit Sub

    ' Pick a dividing item.
    i = Int((finish - start + 1) * Rnd + start)
    pivot = List(i)

    ' Swap it to the front so we can find it easily.
    List(i) = List(start)

    ' Move the items smaller than this into the left portion of the list.
    ' Move the others into the right.
    lo = start
    hi = finish
        ' Look down from hi for a value < pivot.
        Do While List(hi) >= pivot
            hi = hi - 1
            If hi <= lo Then Exit Do
        If hi <= lo Then
            List(lo) = pivot
            Exit Do
        End If

        ' Swap the lo and hi values.
        List(lo) = List(hi)
        ' Look up from lo for a value >= pivot.
        lo = lo + 1
        Do While List(lo) < pivot
            lo = lo + 1
            If lo >= hi Then Exit Do
        If lo >= hi Then
            lo = hi
            List(hi) = pivot
            Exit Do
        End If

        ' Swap the lo and hi values.
        List(hi) = List(lo)

    ' Sort the two sublists
    Quicksort List(), start, lo - 1
    Quicksort List(), lo + 1, finish
End Sub

''''Listing 3. Quicksort.


Link to article about sorting in V.B. ''''

Link to another article about sorting in V.B. ''''

Yet another one about sorting in V.B.

/* ========== Quicksort implementation in Python. (It creates two lists, then combines them.) def QuickSort(myList): if myList == []: return [] # Empty lists are sorted by definition pivot = myList[0] beforePivot = [x for x in myList[1:] if x <= pivot] afterPivot = [x for x in myList if x > pivot] return QuickSort(beforePivot) + [pivot] + QuickSort(afterPivot) */