CST131 Exam #1

Write your three initials here:        ____        ____        ____
(If you have no middle initial, make one up.  If there is a duplicate letter, change it.)


Variable names:
Use these three (different) letters as the variable names in your code, standing for the three inputs.
COMMENTS [10% of grade]
Be sure that every method (sub or function) begins with a comment that says what it will do.
MODULARIZATION [15% of grade]
Use methods (subs or functions, as appropriate) for all computations, inputs, and outputs.
In particular, your event handlers should NOT contain any of the following:
ByRef and global declarations
Avoid these unless they are absolutely required.
(ByRef is OK for an input method. Never for a function.)
Global declarations should not be needed for this program, at all.
Upload the two files as "xyz-exam1.vb" and "xyz-exam1.Designer.vb" (where x, y, and z are YOUR initials).
Upload them as soon as possible, and upload them again from time to time, and when you are finished.
If you wish, you may name later copies as "xyz-1a", "xyz-1b", etc.

Make a copy of you final version, and name it "xyz-take2" (for the two files). Work on it during the week, and submit your improved version next week, as a second exam

Now, for the specifications....