Chris Chiuchiolo CST 111


  1. 7
  2. 15
  3. 1
  4. 9
  5. x-1
  6. DEC-219 HEX-DB OCT-333 BIN-11011011 Compliment-00100100
  7. DEC-318 HEX-13E OCT-476 BIN-100111110 Compliment-011000001
  8. DEC-255 HEX-FF OCT-377 BIN-11111111 Compliment-00000000
  9. DEC-255 HEX-FF OCT-377 BIN-11111111 Compliment-00000000
  10. 00100100 ASCII=$
  11. 10001100
  12. 1646
  13. 1578
  14. 1
  15. Magnet core memory
  16. The last bit is used for flags
  17. SECDED Corrects single bit RAM errors and detects double bit RAM errors
  18. Software
  19. Information is data that has been processed in such a way as to be meaningful to the person Data is raw material for data processing. data relates to fact, event and transactions