Robert Dobler





  1. 10011000100011001100010011000010110010001110110
  2. 128
  3. 1125899906842624
  4. How many bits are needed to keep track of eighty different things?
  5. 1073741824
  6. overflow
  7. you need to find out how many bits are in our numbers so we are certain what bit represents the sign.
  8. it doesn't take into the fact that there may be a carry out or carry in witch is needed for two binary digits
  9. record player,VCR
  10. its necessary to convert the continuous analog representation into a stream of numbers.
  1. 0.5
  2. white
  3. Yellow
  4. black
  5. when adding or subtracting you get a overflow sometimes because the magnitude represented by the allotted number of bits is exceeded
  6. applications software is usually dedicated to a specific task like word processing, while system software is dedicated to operation the computer hardware and maintain a platform for running application software
  7. memory is temporary while storage is permeant
  8. 000,001,010,011,100,101,110,111
  9. 555₆

  1. R
  2. D
  3. 2289
  4. 222
  5. 546
  6. de
  7. 1000100010
  8. 0111011101
  9. 1DD