Robert Dobler
- 10011000100011001100010011000010110010001110110
- 128
- 1125899906842624
- How many bits are needed to keep track of eighty different things?
- 1073741824
- overflow
- you need to find out how many bits are in our numbers so we are certain what bit represents the sign.
- it doesn't take into the fact that there may be a carry out or carry in witch is needed for two binary digits
- record player,VCR
- its necessary to convert the continuous analog representation into a stream of numbers.
- 0.5
- white
- Yellow
- black
- when adding or subtracting you get a overflow sometimes because the magnitude represented by the allotted number of bits is exceeded
- applications software is usually dedicated to a specific task like word processing, while system software is dedicated to operation the computer hardware and maintain a platform for running application software
- memory is temporary while storage is permeant
- 000,001,010,011,100,101,110,111
- 555₆
- R
- D
- 68
- 44
- 01000100
- 10111011
- BB
- 2289
- 8841
- 8f1
- 00110010001100100011100000111001
- 11001101110011011100011111000110
- 222
- 546
- de
- 1000100010
- 0111011101
- 1DD