Robert W. Kijik





  1. The ASCII code for your first initial (R)
    • 82
    • 52
    • 0101 0010
    • 1010 1101
    • AD
  2. The ASCII code for your last initial (K)
    • 75
    • 4B
    • 0100 1011
    • 1011 0100
    • B4
  1. 1001 1101
  2. 127
  3. 8 bits for >64
  4. It causes overflow
  5. You lose the 8th bit of information for the sign bit. Meaning less information can be stored.
  6. Because it is not important to have all of the information. There is a cretain amount of loss that goes unnoticed by the human ear and eye, so as the amount of sampling increases so does the quality, but only to a certain point.
  1. white
  2. yellow
  3. black
  4. Storage stays when power is lost, memory does not