Robert W. Kijik
- The ASCII code for your first initial (R)
- 82
- 52
- 0101 0010
- 1010 1101
- AD
- The ASCII code for your last initial (K)
- 75
- 4B
- 0100 1011
- 1011 0100
- B4
- The last four digits of your phone number (decimal)
- 3492
- 4AD
- 0100 1010 1101
- 1011 0101 0010
- B52
- This room number (219) added to your machine number.
- 226
- 22
- 0010 0010
- 1101 1101
- DD
- 1001 1101
- 127
- 25,600
- 8 bits for >64
- 1 gigabyte = 8,589,934,592 bits
- It causes overflow
- You lose the 8th bit of information for the sign bit. Meaning less information can be stored.
- Half Adder doesn't use a carry in, where a full adder does.
- How your eye interprets brightness, or your ear interprets volume
- Because it is not important to have all of the information. There is a certain amount of loss that goes unnoticed by the human ear and eye, so as the amount of sampling increases so does the quality, but only to a certain point.
- 2GHz
- 5 Million clock cycles
- white
- yellow
- black
- When the answer to a binary addition problem is more than the max number of bits (Binary subtraction is done by adding the negative value)
- Application Software is exactly that, and application you load on to your system(ie MS Office) System software is intergrated into your shell or operating system (ie device drivers)
- Storage stays when power is lost, memory does not
- 000
- 5