Vincent Chiuchiolo





  1. V
    1. 86
    2. 56
    3. 0101 0110
    4. 1010 1001
  1. C
    1. 67
    2. 43
    3. 0100 0011
    4. 1011 1100
  1. 6969
    1. 6969
    2. 1B39
    3. 0001 1011 0011 1001
    4. 1110 0100 1100 0110
  1. 224
    1. 224
    2. E0
    3. 1110 0000
    4. 0001 1111
  1. 1001 1001
  2. 64
  3. 562949953421312
  4. 8 BITS
  5. 8,589,934,592
  6. What happens when the sum of two numbers cannot be represented in the number of bits allowed for it?
  7. What is the problem with sign-magnitude represenation?
  8. What is missing in a "half-adder"?
  9. Give two examples of analog data
  10. Why is "sampling" necessary for digital representation of some data?
  1. 2ghz
  2. 500000 clock cycles
  3. white
  4. yellow
  5. black.
  6. What is "overflow"?
  7. How is systems software different from applications software?
  8. What is the difference between memory and storage?
  9. List all possible combinations of three bits.
  10. What is the value of the highest (greatest) digit used in base six?