Vincent Chiuchiolo





  1. V
    1. 86
    2. 56
    3. 0101 0110
    4. 1010 1001
  1. C
    1. 67
    2. 43
    3. 0100 0011
    4. 1011 1100
  1. 6969
    1. 6969
    2. 1B39
    3. 0001 1011 0011 1001
    4. 1110 0100 1100 0110
  1. 224
    1. 224
    2. E0
    3. 1110 0000
    4. 0001 1111
  1. 1001 1001
  2. 64
  3. 562949953421312
  4. 8 BITS
  5. 8,589,934,592
  6. it is considered an overflow
  7. there is no binary digit for - and +
  8. + - = / * are all missing
  9. floppy disk and a vinyl record
  10. sampling is important because without it we couldnt convert analog data to digital data or we couldn't skip around and view different parts of data
  1. 2ghz
  2. 500000 clock cycles
  3. white
  4. yellow
  5. black.
  6. overflow is when the value of a number is greater then the the available space in bits possible
  7. system software interacts with the hardware directly application software doesnt
  8. Memory is temporary and is only stored while the computer is on and storage is permanent until deleted
  9. 000 001 010 100 011 101 110 111
  10. 6