Adam Wani FInal
Adam Wani
CST 111
- The highest digit is 7
- The highest digit is F
- the highest digit is 1
- The highest digit is 9
- the highest digit is 9
- 9
- tenth
- 11011011 in binary is-219 in decimal. DB in hexadecimal and 333 in octal. The binary complement is 00100100. The complement in octal is 44. In hexadecimal 24.
- Octal number 476 in decimal is 318. In hex it is 13E. in binary it is 10011110. The complement of octal 476 in binary is 011000001. the octal of the complement is 301 and the hex of the complement is C1
- Hexadecimal number FF in binary is 11111111. FF in decimal is 255. in octal it is 377. The binary complement is 00000000. THe complement in octal and hex is 0.
- Decimal number 255 in binary is 11111111. In octal it is 377. In hex it is FF. The binary complement is 00000000. in octal it is 0. in hex it is 0.
- Complement of the binary number 11011011 is 00100100. The ASCII character is $.
- The binary addtion equals to 10001100
- The octal addition is 1656
- The hexadecimal addition is 1578
- There are two ways to represent zero.
- Second gen computers had its memory made from magnetic drums.
- Single Error Correction, Double error detection. It corrects single bit ram errors and detects double bit ram errors.
- COmputer software.
- information is gathered data is obtained. devices and such