Chris Marin
ASCII code for first initial "C"
- 67
- 43
- 0100 0011
- 1011 1100
- BC
ASCII code for last inital "M"
- 77
- 4D
- 0100 1101
- 1011 0010
- B2
Last four digits of phone number
- 910
- 38E
- 11 1000 1110
- 00 0111 0001
- 071
This room number (219) added to your machine number= 237
- 237
- ED
- 1110 1101
- 0001 0010
- 12

- 10010000
- 128
- 250
- 7
- there is a carry
- there are two ways to represent zero.
- carry in
- record player. VCR.
- white
- yellow
- black
- An error that occurs when the computer attempts to handle a number that is too large for it
- An application is a program designed to aid the user in completing tasks. System software are programs designed to manage low level system resources.
- memory refers to the amount of RAM installed in the computer, storage refers to the capacity of the computer’s hard disk.
- 000 001 010 100 101 110 111
- 5