CST 101

The midterm exam consists of an in-class portion and a take-home portion.
Submit each as a file, uploaded to your directory at "http:/suffolk.li".
(If you have any questions about how to upload, see me immediately!)

Pxxxx Dyyy Qzzzz

Add more HTML here.
[ image/hyperlink ]

(Add some answers here.)
(Add some answers here.)
. . .

(Place more answers between the images.) i.
. . .

For both midterm and takehome exams, add your answers to the HTML web page that already has the following features: Add your answers as indicated by the "INSTRUCTIONS" below.

See illustrations at the right. - - - >



Underneath your name (H1, centered), add the following:
     Pxxx Dyy Qzzz 

1. 80
  · 50
  · 0101 0000
  · "B"
2. 77
  · 51
  · 0101 0001
  · "Q"

3. 122
  · 7A
  · 0111 1010
  · "z"

A. ... B. ... . . .

Now, make an ordered list (TYPE="1") with the following three decimal values as the list items:

  1. The ASCII code for your first initial (in decimal).
  2. The ASCII code for your last initial (decimal).
  3. Your machine number plus 96 (decimal).
Following each of the above numbered list items, insert a nested list (unordered, with TYPE=CIRCLE), giving the following:

NOTE: See the example at the right.

A, B, C, ...
i, ii, iii, iv, ...

First set of questions

    A.  What is the difference between memory and storage?

    B.  Give three examples of peripheral devices used only for output.

    C.  Give three examples of peripheral devices used for both input and output.

    D.  What is a "cache" and why is it used?

    E.  What is the "clipboard" and how is it used?

    F.  What is the difference between a "client" and a "server"?

    G.  How is systems software different from applications software?

    H.  What part of a comupter "executes" the instructions?

    I.  Give two examples of analog data

    J.  Why is "sampling" necessary for digital representation of some data?

Second set of questions

  i.	What would you type into cell D3 of a spreadsheet, to make its value be
	the value of the cell above it minus the value of the cell to the left of D3.

  ii.	If you copied this formula into cell H7, what would it look like there?

  iii.	What would you type into any cell of a spreadsheet, to make its value be
	double the value in cell A1?

  iv.	How many microseconds are in one minute?

  v.	How long does it take a 2-GigaHertz processor to execute one cycle?

  vi.	What color is represented by an RGB value of zero.

  vii.	What color is represented by the 24-bit RGB value 0xFFFF00 ?

  viii.	How many different things can be represented by seven bits?

  ix.	If a page of text contains approximately one thousand characters,
	then how many pages could be stored in a Gigabyte?

  x.	How many bits are needed to keep track of one Gigabyte of memory addresses?

NOTE: Answer as many questions as you can, on the in-class exam.
(Do all of them for the take-home exam!)