CST 111
Final Web Page
May 2011
- What is the highest digit used in "octal" numbers?
- What is the highest digit used in "hexadecimal" numbers?
- What is the highest digit used in "binary" numbers?
- What is the highest digit used in "decimal" numbers?
- What is the value of the highest digit in the base 5 number system?
- The rightmost digit of a number represents its value multiplied by the base raised to the ____2nd____ power.
- Convert the binary number 11011011 to decimal.
- Convert the octal number 476 to binary.
- Convert the hexadecimal number FF to decimal.
- Convert the decimal number 255 to hexadecimal.
- Compute the ONES-complement of the following binary: 11011011 (Same as above.)
- What ASCII character is represented by this number (ONES-complement of 11011011)?
- Perform the following binary addition: 11001 + 1110011
- Perform the following octal addition: 665 + 771
- Perform the following hexadecimal addition: ABC + ABC
- Signed-magnitude has how many representations of zero?
- How is the decimal value -273 represented in twos-complement ?
(Show the bits.)
- What negative number is represented in twos-complement
by a (16-bit) word containing the following bits:
1111 0000 1111 0000
- There are 3,143 counties in the USA.
How many bits are needed to represent each county with different code?
- How is "information" different from "data"?
- Ans/ Data are plain facts. When data are processed, organized, structured or presented in a given context so as to make them useful, they are called Information.
- Why do some 8-bit memory boards have nine sets of bits?
- Ans/ They use it as a floating point
- What is "SECDED"?
- ANS/ Single Error Correction, Double Error Detection
- The set of wires through which data travels between
components of a computer is called a _Bus__.
- _Machine-Language______ is the collection of programs that
provide the instructions that a computer carries out.
- The ____ALU___________ performs basic operations in the central processing unit
such as adding and subtracting, plus logical operations such as AND and OR.
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