(body) : contents of you html page Hello (center) : center the contents of the page
this is the center
(font) : determines the style of text Joshua (head) : describes the heading of the document This is my document (image) : inputs image onto the document (link) : inputs a link onto the document (small) : makes the font small Small (strike) : crosses a line thru the text Strike (paragraph) : makes a line break and space between lines needed in a paragraph

This is an example
displaying the use
of the paragraph tag. (menu) : creats a menu look in the document

  • item 1
  • item 2
  • item 3
  • (italic) : makes the text italic italic (big) : makes the font big BIG Nested List
    1. List Item 1
      1. Nested List Item 1
      2. Nested List Item 2
    2. List Item 2
      <:LH>List Header
    1. List item 1
    2. List item 2
    Unordered Images: Photo of a big bunny rabbit! pictureof a pumpkin align box
