Niel Zanfardino 1.) a. 000, 001, 010, 011, 100, 110,111. b. 104 c. 7C d. 1111 e. D f. 15 g. 111 h. 14 2.) Initial Decimal Hex Octal Binary N 78 4E 116 01001110 A 65 41 101 01000001 Z 90 54 132 01011010 3.) Old Decimal New Decimal ASCII HEX Bnary Complement 78 73 I 49 01001001 10110110 65 75 k 4B 01001011 10110100 90 122 z 4 01111010 10000101 4.) Complement Ones Complement Twos Complement Sign Magnitude Offset 128 10110110 182 -5 10110100 180 10000101 133 5.) a. Greyish_Purple b. Dark Gold c . Dark Gray d. Light Grey e. Bright Purple f. Grey g. The color would get lighter. 6.) a. 15 bits b. More than 32,768 students. c. 29 Bits d. Greater Than 536, 870, 912 e. 1,048,576 f. 2,097152 g. 10 billion 7.) a. 300 billion nano seconds. b. 200 million cycles c. 500 Pico seconds d. 2 giga Hertz e. 200 mega Hertz 8.) A B C AB+C' BC Output AB+C' + BC 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9.) (A or B or C) ( A or B) C or AB 10.) a. ABC b. AB'C 11.) These expressions display the circuits that compose a full adder, one expression doing the adding, the other computing the carry.