Projects for CST-111


Create a spreadsheet document on "Google Documents" and share it (with edit permission) with "" .

From chapter 12 of the textbook, on page 420, create a spreadsheet for any one of the following problems: 50, 51, 52, or 53
or a do a spreadsheet project of your own choosing, with equivalent complexity.

Your spreadsheet must include:

Also include an example of a circular reference, and make the background red for the cell(s) that contain it.


In your folder at "" create web pages that include the following:

  • Create a link that says "Click to go here" and takes the user to another page ("here.html"). On this new page, there should be a differently-colored background and a link that says "Click to go there". On that page ("there.html"), include links to go back to "here" or to go "home" (to the original web page).

    HTML + JavaScript

    Modify your HTML pages to illustrate as many of the following as you can: For extra credit, add a "form" with at least two tags to input text from the user, another tag to display a result (this may be a third input tag), and a few buttons to perform operations ( such as addition, multiplication, etc.) on the input values, and display the results.