This page basically will direct you to where you need to get.

Which is of course a better place

If we dont move in the right direction...

In this year 2011 and the month of september we have our first african american president with just one year left in office. Elections will happen and people who care enough to make an attemp at a difference will vote this country towards better times hopefully...

That's right Mr.Obama said he doesn't do windows He showed us!!

He wouldn't even stand up against those against him!

I ask you, what would you do if confronted with a bully?

Seriously.. What are you going to do?

Well he did Nothing

With many good candidates on the ballot I'm sure your just as scared, aggrivated, disgusted excited as I am!

With all the issues at hand, it must be so hard for you the voter to see something wrong with our government and address it. Of course many of you think that your just one little person, what difference could you make? But when it's all of you then you make a whole.. just like in elementary school.

When you group together WE make a whole.. duh? Click HERE