The human body is composed of many independent systems, such as circulatory the system, the respiratory system, and the reproductive system. Not only must all systems work independently, but they must interact and cooperate as well. Overall health is a function of the well-being of separate systems, as well as how these separate systems work in concert.
- replaces "as" + replaces "and" # replaces "these" ^ replaces "the" & replaces "must" % replaces "well"
The human body is composed of many independent systems, such ^ ~ circulatory - system, - respiratory system, + ~ reproductive system. Not only & all systems work independently, but -y & interact + cooperate ^ %. Overall health is a function of ~ %-being of separate systems, ^ % ^ how # separate systems work in concert.
@2 replaces "separate" @3 replaces "system" @4 replaces "independent"
The human body is composed of many @4 @3s, such ^ circulatory - @3, - respiratory @3, + - reproductive @3. Not only & all @3s work @4ly, but -y & interact + cooperate ^ %. Overall health is a function of - %-being of @2 @3s, ^ % ^ how -se @2 @3s work in concert.
Lossless vs. lossful encoding