for the CST111 Final Exam

Answer these questions on your webpage "final.html" .
  Do NOT repeat the questions; just write answers in your ordered lists.  

    *** The first set of questions:
  1. What are the hexadecimal values of ASCII codes for the first (Capitalized) and last (small) letter of your last name.
  2. What is the sum of the above two values, in hexadecimal, binary, and octal (base-eight)?
  3. What is the binary (base-two) value of the last letter of your first name?
  4. Add the following two binary numbers, and show the result in both decimal & hexadecimal:     1100 1101     +     1011 1011
  5. What is the sum of the following two numbers: BB + CD (hexadecimal)?
  6. The decimal number seventeen (17) is stored in an 8-bit byte in "Sign-Magnitude" representation; what is the binary value?
  7. How many different values can be represented with twenty bits?
  8. How many bits are needed to address a Ten Megabyte memory?

    *** Second set of questions:
  1. What color is represesented in RGB by the following value:     1110 0111 1110 0111 0111 1110 (binary)
  2. What color is represesented in RGB by 017141703 (octal)?     ( 001 111 001 100 001 111 000 011 binary)
  3. Write a Boolean expression for the carry-out bit of a binary adder,
        (where A and B are the two bits, and C is the carry-in.)
  4. What kind of gate outputs true if and only if both of the inputs are false?
  5. How many rows are needed for a truth table of a circuit with four inputs?
  6. Which property of Boolean Algebra is illustrated by the following expression:     P (C+D) = PC + PD

		LDA	X,d
		ADDA	Y,d
		LDA	Z,d 
	X:	.WORD	0x1111	
	Y:	.WORD	0x2222	
	Z:	.WORD	0x3333
; Assume  X is at memory location 0x00C.
    *** What hexadecimal values (address and data) are sent to or from the CPU on the bus when the above instructions are executed?

  1. (Use as many list items as needed.)

In the Processing PDE, write a program to draw a flag, as described below.

Three differently-colored stripes 
(horizontal OR vertical).
Circle in the center.
Your NAME in a contrasting color.
 Be sure your code compiles!  
(No credit for code with syntax errors.)

  1. Paste your souce code into a file "flag.pde", and make a link to it.
    Add more links to any projects you want me to grade!

Add the following to your spreadsheet:

Enter three random, two-digit numbers in Cells C5, C6, and C7
In cell C8, enter a formula to add up these three numbers.
In cell C9, enter a formula to divide the value in C8 by three.
In cell C10, enter a formula to add up all of the values in the range C5:C9
Change the value in C5, and make sure the other cells change accordingly.
Also, create a circular reference, somewhere else in your spreadsheet.
  1. Hyperink to my spreadsheet
  2. What is the average of the numbers in your list?
  3. List the cell numbers of your circular reference.