Steve J Hudson

CST 111

Midterm Exan


  1. How many Megabytes are in a Gigabyte?
  2. How many microseconds are in a half second?
  3. In hexadecimal, how do you represent one dozen?
  4. In hexadecimal, how do you represent two dozen (24)?
  5. In binary, how do you represent two dozen (24)?
  6. What color is #993399 ?
  7. What color is #000000 ?
  8. What color is #00FFFF ?
  9. What is the color number for Green?
  10. What is the color number for White?
  1. On this line, display the markup tag for boldface, including the "angle-bracket" symbold.
  2. Show a copyright symbol here.
  3. Show the two words "BIG_________SPACE" with four spaces separating them (and no "__" characters).
  4. Put small image here, and make it be only 40 pixels tall.
  5. Underneath this item "E", put a list five different input devices; your list items should be numbered with Roman Numerals (I, II, .... V).
  6. What does "DNS" stand for?
  7. What does a "DNS" do?
    1. hard-disk
    2. CD-ROM
    3. memory
    4. register
    5. client-server
    6. floppy-disk
      MIDTERM markup img lists F10 G7 H6 I7 0 M-HTML Hudson S h 9 6 8 2 - - - 25 C+