////// 6_demo.pde: Demo of Processing //// /* (COMMENT) */ void setup() { //// Set up frame size, etc. size( 600, 400 ); } void draw() { // Draw the next frame. dummy(); // (instructions) scene(); // new scene (bg + text ) colors(); points(); lines(); shapes(); modes(); }// draw() // void dummy() { //// Draw a scene //// text("HI",10,10); text("Pick a number from one to nine.", width/2, height/2 ); rectMode(CORNER); ellipseMode(CENTER); } void scene() { //// Draw a new scene: bg + text background(255); // White background. background( 200 ); // Gray background. fill(0); // Black foreground text( "Background wipes out all previous drawing!", width/2, 10 ); textSize( 20 ); text( "Hello", 20, 20 ); fill(200); // Gray foreground text( "Goodbye", 50, 150 ); text( "(invisible)", 900, 800 ); }// scene() // void colors() { //// 0.2: Colors //// background( 255, 220, 220 ); // RED, GREEN, BLUE textSize(10); fill( 255,127,0); text( "RGB colors", 50, 90 ); textSize(16); fill( 255, 0, 0 ); text( "Red", 20, 20 ); fill( 0, 255, 0 ); text( "Green", 20, 40 ); fill( 0, 0, 255 ); text( "Blue", 20, 60 ); fill( 255, 255, 0 ); text( "Yellow", 100, 30 ); fill( 0, 255, 255 ); text( "Cyan", 100, 50 ); fill( 255, 0, 255 ); text( "Magenta", 100, 70 ); fill( 0, 0, 0 ); text( "Black", 200, 10 ); fill( 255, 255, 255 ); text( "White", 200, 90 ); fill( 50, 50, 50 ); text( "Various", 250, 20 ); fill( 100, 100, 100 ); text( "shades", 250, 40 ); fill( 150, 150, 150 ); text( "of", 250, 60 ); fill( 200, 200, 200 ); text( "gray", 250, 80 ); }// colors() // void points() { //// 0.3: points //// fill(0,0,255); textSize(12); text( "points:", 10, 120 ); stroke(0,0,255); // Blue strokeWeight(1); point( 20, 130 ); point( 30, 130 ); point( 40, 130 ); point( 50, 130 ); stroke(255,0,255); // Fat magenta points strokeWeight(3); point( 60, 150 ); point( 65, 140 ); point( 70, 130 ); point( 75, 120 ); }// points() // void lines() { //// 0.4: lines (+ triangles) //// fill(255,0,0); // Red text( "and lines:", 100, 130 ); stroke(0); strokeWeight(1); line(0,100, width,100); stroke(255,0,0); // Red strokeWeight(1); line( 120,140, 180,135 ); strokeWeight(4); line( 180,120, 220,150 ); fill(255,0,255); // Magenta text( "plus some triangles!", 250, 130 ); stroke(255,0,255); strokeWeight(8); fill(0,255,255); triangle( 350,150, 400,160, 430,110 ); fill(255,255,0); // Yellow fill stroke(255,127,0); strokeWeight(2); triangle( 420,140, 460,120, 470,160 ); triangle( 470,140, 490,130, 490,150 ); triangle( 495,140, 500,135, 500,145 ); strokeWeight(1); // Restore normal stroke weight noStroke(); triangle( 510,140, 550,130, 550,150 ); fill(255,0,0); // Red fill triangle( 510,140, 550,130, 550,150 ); strokeWeight(1); // Restore normal stroke weight noStroke(); fill(0,255,0); triangle( 560,140, 570,120, 580,160 ); }// lines() // void shapes() { //// 0.5: Shapes //// stroke(0); strokeWeight(1); line(0,100, width,100); line(50,170, width-50,170); fill(0); text( "Shapes: rect(), ellipse(), ... ", 10, 200 ); fill(255); ellipse( 20,250, 20, 10 ); rect( 20,220, 20, 10 ); int x, y; x= 20; y= 220; // Rectangle and Ellipse //// fill(0,255,0); // Green rectangle. rect( x+50,y, 50,30 ); fill(255,0,0); rect( x+50,y, 4,4 ); // Corner. // Ellipse (default is CENTER. fill(0,255,0); ellipse( x+50,y+50, 60,30 ); // Green ellipse fill(255,0,0); ellipse( x+50,y+50, 4,4 ); // Red Center. }// shapes() // void modes() { //// 0.6: Modes //// fill(0); text( "... Modes:", 200, 190 ); stroke(0); strokeWeight(1); line( 180,180, 180,height); float x, y; // CORNER // x= 200; y= 220; rectMode(CORNER); ellipseMode(CORNER); text( "CORNER", x, y-10 ); fill(0,255,0); // Green rectangle. rect( x,y, 50,30 ); fill(255,0,0); rect( x,y, 4,4 ); // Corner. // Ellipse (default is CENTER. y= y + 50; fill(0,255,0); ellipse( x,y, 50,30 ); // Green ellipse fill(255,0,0); ellipse( x,y, 4,4 ); // Red Center. // CORNERS // x= 300; y= 220; rectMode(CORNERS); ellipseMode(CORNERS); text( "CORNERS", x, y-10 ); float x2, y2; x2= x+50; y2= y+30; fill(0,255,0); // Green rectangle. rect( x,y, x2, y2 ); fill(255,0,0); rect( x,y, x+4,y+4 ); // CornerS. rect( x2,y2, x2-4,y2-4 ); // CornerS. // Ellipse (default is CENTER. y= y + 50; y2= y+30; fill(0,255,0); ellipse( x,y, x2,y2 ); // Green ellipse fill(255,0,0); ellipse( x,y, x+4,y+4 ); // Red Center. ellipse( x2,y2, x2-4,y2-4 ); // Red Center. // CENTER // x= 400; y= 220; rectMode(CENTER); ellipseMode(CENTER); text( "CENTER", x-20, y-20 ); fill(0,255,0); // Green rectangle. rect( x,y, 50,30 ); fill(255,0,0); rect( x,y, 4,4 ); // Corner. // Ellipse (default is CENTER. y= y + 50; fill(0,255,0); ellipse( x,y, 50,30 ); // Green ellipse fill(255,0,0); ellipse( x,y, 4,4 ); // Red Center. // RADIUS // x= 500; y= 220; rectMode(RADIUS); ellipseMode(RADIUS); text( "RADIUS", x-30, y-35 ); fill(0,255,0); // Green rectangle. rect( x,y, 50,30 ); fill(255,0,0); rect( x,y, 4,4 ); // Corner. // Ellipse (default is CENTER. y= y + 50; fill(0,255,0); ellipse( x,y, 50,30 ); // Green ellipse fill(255,0,0); ellipse( x,y, 4,4 ); // Red Center. }// modes() // void keyPressed() { //// Event handler for keyboard. if (key=='q') exit(); }