Modify a text file: $/w409.txt
//Global declarations Hero franky; Dog rocky; Monster ted; boolean day=true; void setup() { size( 800,700); smooth(); frameRate(frames); horizon = height/2; // Instatiate the objects. franky = new Hero(); franky.x = 50; franky.y = horizon; // rocky = new Dog(); ted = new Monster(); // reset(); } void scene() { //sky if (day) background (#83F1FA); //BLUE else background (#666699); //NITE void action() { ++++++; franky.move(); @ line 106 //////// OBJECT CLASSES //////// class house { // DATA // ++++++ // METHODS // void show() { ++++ } } class Sun { } class Hero { float x,y, dx=3,dy=2; void show() { // +++++ ellipse( rect( // +++ } void move() { // Move the hero. x = x + dx; y = y + dy; if (x > width) { dx = -dx; } // Bounce if (x < 0) { dx = -dx; } if (y > height) { dy = -dy; } if (y < horizon) { dy = -dy; } } } class Dog { } class Monster { }