Modify a text file: $/x203.pde
//text:The sketch is a pattern of circles and star shaped object with passing through a line. //Draw pattern#1 size(400,400); background(0); smooth(); noStroke(); //Draw patten#2 fill(0,0,0,0); beginShape(); strokeWeight(3); beginShape(); vertex(50, 10); vertex(60, 40); vertex(90, 50); vertex(60, 60); vertex(50, 90); vertex(40, 60); vertex(10, 50); vertex(40, 40); endShape(); //Draw another circle stroke(255,149,202); fill(0,149,255); ellipse(150,150,170,170); //Draw pattern#3 stroke(10); fill(255); ellipse(50,50,270,270); //Draw a circle stroke(0); fill(255,162,108); ellipse(50,50,225,225); //Draw a circle stroke(0); fill(#FFF936); ellipse(10,10,250,250); //Draw a traingle inside the yellow half circle fill(0); triangle(300,300,70,75,0,0); //Draw a star shape inside the circle beginShape(); stroke(10); fill(131,219,141); vertex(50, 10); vertex(60, 40); vertex(90, 50); vertex(60, 60); vertex(50, 90); vertex(40, 60); vertex(10, 50); vertex(40, 40); endShape(CLOSE);