Modify a text file: $/x205.pde
//Text a version int myX = 0; int myY = 0; int myRed = 191; int myGreen = 255; int myBlue = 108; float backgroundColor = 255; //set the size of the output window void setup() { size(250,250); smooth(); } void draw() { //Erase the screen background(backgroundColor); //Draw a small circle strokeWeight(50); fill(#FA1E1E); fill(myRed, myGreen, myBlue); ellipseMode(CENTER); ellipse(mouseX +60,mouseY-60 + 120,170,175); strokeWeight((mouseX+mouseY)/25); fill(#F8FF39); ellipse(mouseX+60, mouseY-60 + 100,90,90); fill(myRed, myGreen, myBlue); } void mousePressed() { backgroundColor = (int) random(255)-10; myRed = (int) random(255); myGreen= (int) random(255); myBlue =(int) random(255); }