//// d8_dynamic.pde: Example of a dynamic sketch. //// Creature follows the mouse, while sun moves across the sky. float x,y; // Position of creature and sun. float sunX, sunY; //// SETUP: Define screen size, set modes. void setup() { size( 600, 400 ); // RESET: // Start the sun half-way across the screen. sunX= width/2; sunY= 50; } //// DRAW: sky & sun plus creature void draw() { // SCENE: sky, sun, house. background( 150, 200, 250 ); // Blue sky fill( 255, 255, 0 ); ellipse( sunX, sunY, 30,30 ); // Yellow sun fill( 255, 0, 0 ); rect( 100,100, 100,50 ); // Red house triangle( 100,100, 200,100, 150,50 ); // ACTION: sun crosses sky, reset to left side. if (sunX > width) { sunX= 0; } sunX= sunX + 1; // SHOW: creature follows mouse fill( 0,0,200 ); rect( mouseX, mouseY, 50, 80 ); // Blue creature ellipse( mouseX+25, mouseY-20, 40,40 ); // MESSAGES. fill(0); text( "Example of a dynamic sketch.", width/3, 10 ); text( "Creature follows the mouse, while sun moves across the sky.", width/3, 20 ); // Also display the author and file name. text( "B.A.Martin / dynamic1.java", 10, height-10 ); } //![]()