Assignment: Ch 3; pg 61-88, pp 71 q1-4, ex 1-30, pg 76 x67-72, pg 88 q1-4 x1-14, 33,34,39,53 1) 14 2) Assign the value to var2 to the variable var1 in the first instance, and in the second instance assign the value of var1 to var2. 3) A B C 0 0 0 3 0 0 3 4 0 3 4 7 21 4 7 21 4 7 21 16 7 4) Var = var + var/20 1) 12 12 2) 49 49 3) 0.1111 0 4) 23 23 5) 8 8 6) -96 -96 7) 2 8) 2 9) 1 10) 3 11) No 12) No 13) Yes 14) No 15) No 16) No 17) 10 18) 14 19) 16 20) 16 21) 9 22) 8 23) Var=7*8+5 1stbox.items.add(var) 24) Var=(2*9+1)^3 1stbox.items.add(var) 25) Var= 20*.055 1stbox.items.add(var) 26) Var=3^4+2*3 1stbox.items.add(var 27) Var=162+3*17 1stbox.items.add(var) 28) ? 29) x y 2 2 6 11 6 6 4 6 4 7 30) Bal Inter withDr 100 100 .05 100 .05 25 5 .05 25 -20 .05 25 67) a=18 Ans=30*a 1stbox.items.add(ans) 68) Int=5 s=3 Rate=50 Height=-16s^2+rate+int 1stbox.items.add(height) 69) Mileage=233 Time=7-2 Vel=mileage/time 1stbox.items.add(vel) 70) Orig=23352 Final=23695 Diff=final-orig Gal=14 Mileage=diff/gal 1stbox.items.add(mileage) 71) Avg=1600 Pop=304000000 Day=365 Used=avg*pop*day 1stbox.items.add(used) 72) Area=14*16 Min=.1 Window=area*min 1stbox.items.add(window) 1) 0 2) The first returns 16 and the second returns 88 3) Dbl var=2&3 1) Visual Basic 2) Hello 3) Ernie 4) Bert 5) Flute 6) Acute 7) 123 8) 5+3 9) Your age is 21. 10) Fred has 2 children. 11) A ROSE IS A ROSE IS A ROSE 12) 76 trombones 13) 5.5 14) 3 33) Dim firstname, middlename, lastname, yearofbirth as string Firstname= "Thomas" Middlename= "Alva" Lastname= "Edison" Yearofbirth= "1847" Txtbox.text= firstname & middlename & lastname & yearofbirth 34) Dim item, regularprice,discount as string Item = "ketchup" Regularprice=1.80 Discount=.27 Price=cstr(regularprice)-cstr(discount) Txtbox.text= cstr(price) "is the sale price of the ketchup"