CST112 Final Exam

Using the "Processing" language, write a program according to the following specifications, and upload your code into your folder with the name "final_xyz.pde" (replacing "xyz" with the first three or more letters of your own last name)..

In your code, declare a global array of twenty integers, named with your own first name. (Use only lower-case letter, please!) Intitialize this array values to random values, during the setup() method.
Please note that your array MUST be named with your own first name (or at least the first three letters of it); no credit will be given if the array is named a[].

Use the "Button" and "Ball" classes object found in http://suffolk.li/cst112/19cst112/tuesday/final_sample.pde and modify as necessary.

Your code should be fully-modularized, with the "draw()" method containing only calls to other methods. (Your draw() method should not contain any "drawing" commands, such as rect(), etc.) Be sure to precede each of your methods with a comment line saying what it is supposed to do, and follow all coding standards given for previous assignments (projects, exams, etc.) and in class. As always, "readability" of your code will be a significant component of the grading!