This exercise from the textbook should be completed with the following modifications:
Use (or update) the "creature" that you completed for Projects 1 & 2.
Size of output window should be 400 by 400 pixels.
Creature should move on a diagonal,
down and to the right
from the upper-left corner of the output window
toward the lower-right corner,
by one (1) pixel each time it draws.
(Ignore the mouse pointer.)
When the mouse button is clicked:
Assign random values between zero (0) and 255 for the three colors that control
the fill color of the main portion of the "creature"
Assign a random number between 70 and 150 for the width of the "creature"
Subtract ten (10) from the background color of the output window so that it gets
a little darker each time the mouse button is clicked
When any key on the keyboard is pressed:
The creature should change directions;
if it is going to the right and down,
reverse and start going left and up;
if already going left and up, reverse
and start going right and down
Display the latest key value in the message window.
Always begin each program with comment lines that give your name and the project identification,
then briefly says what your code is supposed to do (if it works!)
// Joe Bloggs, Project #3 (p3.pde):
// Diagonal move, with color changes.
Also, add some text to your sketch,
giving your name and providing some sort of title for it.
For example:
text( "Project3: Diagonal move, with color changes", 40,10);
text( "Joe Bloggs", 10,230);
The completed project with the "Processing" sketch file (the ".pde" file)
should be submitted electronically,
by creating a file named "p3.pde" in your folder,
and pasting your source code into it.