CST 112
Introduction to
Computer Programming

Exercise x123: (where 1/23 is today's date/)

In the Processing PDE, write your code to draw some shapes, using:
	point(), line(), rect(), ellipse(), triangle(), etc.
	fill(), stroke(), etc.
	size(), background(), text() 

In your folder, use UPDATE to create a new file named  x124
with file type .pde (or .java)
Copy & paste your code into this file:  ^A^C  &   ^A^V
Click MODIFY to save it; you should see a message like this:
	343 bytes written to ../../x124a.pde

Check to make sure your file was updated:  
	^R to refresh the UPDATE list, then click the file name x124a.pde.
	^N to make a new Processing window.
	Use ^A^C and ^A^V to copy & paste your code, then run it (^R).

READ: Chapters 1 & 2 (plus the Introduction) -- Static sketches Chapter 3: Dynamic sketches, using setup() & draw() Sections 7.1-7.4: Functions (with no arguments and no return type).