//JOSHUA BADLU'S FINAL void setup(){ //basic stuff, the size and color of the background size(640,480); background(250); frameRate(60); } void draw() { //this moves each racers each second based on comp time int s = second(); //the racers strokeWeight(2); rect(s, 100, 55, 55); rect(s, 200, 55, 55); rect(s, 300, 55, 55); rect(s, 400, 55, 55); //start line strokeWeight(10); line(50, 600,50, 0); //finished fine line(620,600,620,0); } //this should move the racers a random ammount racers alot of steps //if(keyPressed) { //if (key == ' ' || key == ' ') { //s) ++ random; //errors //they seem to sometimes start behind the line or aheah