Projects 2 & 3
Project 2
For project 2, make the "hero" (your character) move diagonaly for each frame,
and bounce off the sides of the screen.
(Also draw a "scene", with grass, sky, and sun.)
Use global variables (for now) but everything should be fully modularized:
i.e the "draw()" method should contain only function calls to invoke other methods that you have written.
(Be sure to begin each of your functions with a brief COMMENT that says what this method is supposed to do)
Project 3 is not assigned yet.
This is only a partial specification.
Project 3 will include:
- A scene, with green grass below, blue sky above, a yellow sun, and a score.
- A "hero" (your character) who bounces off the sides of the screen (and jumps to mouse, when clicked).
- A bomb, which drops downward in every frame (after it is released by pressing a key).
- Three bullets, which move very fasta, horizontally (when fired, by pressing a key).
- The score is very simple for this project: just count the number of bombs, bullets, bounces, etc. and use a simple formula (to be supplied later).
Various events cause the sketch to change.
Use global variables (for now) but everything must be fully modularized.
- Clicking the mouse makes the hero jump to the mouse coordinates,
and sets the horizon to a random value.
- Pressing a key makes a new bomb start to fall (from behind the sun,
after moving the sun to a random X coordinate).
- Pressing a key makes a new set of three bullets begin at the left side of the screen,
at a random height (Y coordinate).
- Bad things happen if a bomb or bullet hits the hero (and the score changes, too).
void draw() //// Draw scene, hero, bomb, etc. Also move as necessary.
Blue sky.
Sun high in the sky. (3/4 of the way up, above horizon.)
Green grass from horizon to bottm.
(Whatever you want, but use at least three different methods to draw it.
Hero moves across and down by heroDX and heroDY
Drops downward by bombDY, every frame.
Three bullets move to right, by bulletDX, every frame.
They are spaced 50 pixels apart, vertically.
For now, just add one every time a bomb starts dropping.
//////// EVENTS:
void setup() // ++++
restart(); // Initialize all game variables.
void mousePressed() // Horizon adjusts randomly. Hero jumps to mouse
// ++++
void keyPressed() // Sun moves to random X position. Bomb starts dropping from sun.
// ++++