These instructions apply to two tests, which will be graded separately.
scene: dark-green water, below a light-blue sky, with a yellow sun (and a score).
fish: A school of fish follows the leader fish across the screen. Leader fish (fishX,fishY) moves right and down (by 3 and 2 pixels, respectively). When the leader fish reaches the end (right side or bottom of screen), create a new school of fish with random values as follows:
fishMany= 2 + (int) random(6); fishX= fishMany*fishSpacing; // Starting point for the leader. fishY= surface+random(height/2); fishWidth= 20+random(30); // Size of leader. fishHeight= 0.75 * fishWidth; fishRed= 150 + (int) random(100); // Fish redness.
The octopus is a purple rectangle (80x120)
with eight (8) thick legs dangling beneath.
(Use a for loop to draw each leg as a line with stroke weight of 3).
Octopus follows mouse position.
When it gets close enough to the fish,
it "eats" one of them:
reduce fishMany by one (but not below zero),
and earn some score points.
Make the octopus legs point toward the shark.
The shark (a grey rectangle)
moves very fast, toward the octopus.
On each frame, the shark computes the distance to the octopus,
and moves to cover 10% of that distance
in both X and Y.
For example, if the octopus is at (500,200) and the shark is at (100,400),
the shark will move +40 in X and -20 in Y.
(On the next frame, the shark moves only +36 in X, then +32, then +30, etc.)
If the shark comes close enough, he eats the octopus!
Move shark to lower-right corner when this happens.
When the octopus gets eaten,
deduct 100 points, make background black (just for this one frame);
The player may also click the mouse to move shark to lower-right corner,
losing only 50 points.
//// Test #1 -- Sample code. float sunX=300, sunY=50; float surface=100; int fishMany=6; // How many fish. int fishRed= 200; // Red color level for fish. float fishSpacing=50; float fishX=0, fishY=surface+100; float fishWidth=60, fishHeight=45; float sharkX=100, sharkY=360; float octoX=500, octoY=200; int score=0; void setup() //// setup { size(800,600); } void draw() //// Next frame. { scene(); fish(); //// school of fish swim to the right. shark(); //// Shark chases fish. octopus(); //// Octopus -- 8 arms point toward shark. } void scene() //// waves on surface, rocks at bottom. { background( 200,200,255 ); // (Sky) //// Sun. //// ++++ ADD YOUR CODE HERE ++++ //// Water //// ++++ ADD YOUR CODE HERE ++++ //// Waves on the surface. //// ++++ ADD YOUR CODE HERE ++++ } void fish() //// school of fish. { if (fishX>width || fishY>height || fishMany<1) // Check if done. Reset fish on left. { fishMany= 2 + (int) random(6); fishX= fishMany*fishSpacing; // Starting point for the leader. fishY= surface+random(height/2); fishWidth= 20+random(30); // Size of leader. fishHeight= 0.75 * fishWidth; fishRed= 150 + (int) random(100); // Fish redness. } //// Move school of fish: 3 left, 2 down. //// ++++ ADD YOUR CODE HERE ++++ //// Draw each fish - size gets smaller //// ++++ ADD YOUR CODE HERE ++++ } void octopus() //// Octopus with 8 legs pointing toward shark. { octoX=mouseX; octoY=mouseY; //// Draw octopus, add 8 legs. //// ++++ ADD YOUR CODE HERE ++++ } void shark() //// Shark chases octopus. { //// Move shark. //// ++++ ADD YOUR CODE HERE ++++ //// Draw shark. //// ++++ ADD YOUR CODE HERE ++++ //// Shark catches Octopus. if (dist(sharkX,sharkY,octoX,octoY) < 50) { //// ++++ YOUR CODE GOES HERE ++++ } } |