//Eric Hammond -- Proj 5. //// Fill, sort, and display array stuff String title="//Eric Hammond -- Proj 5."; String title2="//// Fill, sort, and display array stuff"; float[] emh; // an array of values int many = 20; // size of array float big= -1; // biggest value in array int i; float msgX, msgY; void setup() { size (800,600); emh = new float[many]; //-- big = -1; // init to -1 (???) fillit(emh, many); } void draw() { background (200,220,255); fill ( 0,150,0 ); // Messages: msgY=1; msgX=10; next ( title ); next ( title2 ); msgX= 50; msgY++; // Display //////showbig( big ); showarray( emh, many ); showbuttons(); keypressed(); } //////// M E T H O D S ///////// void fillit( float [] a, int many ) { // fill the array with random values fill ( 255,0,0 ); text( "fillit(): fill the array with random values -- STUB", 50, 12*msgY++ ); for(i=0; i