//HEADINGS// String title= "Project 8"; String author="Rune Hernandez"; String name[]= { "Richard", "Michael", "Steven", "James", "Andrew", "Jimmy", "David", "Leonard", "Max", "Adam" }; //ARRAY OF HERNANDEZ MEMBERS// int many= name.length; member[] hernandez= new member[many]; void setup() { smooth(); size( 800, 600); reset(); } //RESET EVERYONE// void reset() { for (int a=0; a 1; m--) { for (int j=1; j hernandez[w].age ) w=j; } member temp0; temp0= hernandez[many-1]; hernandez[many-1] = hernandez[w]; hernandez[w] = temp0; member temp1; temp1= hernandez[many-2]; hernandez[many-2] = hernandez[w]; hernandez[w] = temp1; member temp2; temp2= hernandez[many-3]; hernandez[many-3] = hernandez[w]; hernandez[w] = temp2; member temp3; temp3= hernandez[many-4]; hernandez[many-4] = hernandez[w]; hernandez[w] = temp3; member temp4; temp4= hernandez[many-5]; hernandez[many-5] = hernandez[w]; hernandez[w] = temp4; member temp5; temp5= hernandez[many-6]; hernandez[many-6] = hernandez[w]; hernandez[w] = temp5; // I'M NOT SURE WHAT I WAS TRING TO DO BUT //I COULDN'T GET THE AGES TO SORT IN ORDER } } void table() { //LINES// noFill(); rect(100, 50, 550, 350); int z=0; //LING GOING ACCROSS// for (int y=100; y<400; y= y+30){ line(100, y, 650, y); } //LINE GOING TOP TO BOTTOM// for (int x=100; x<680; x= x+120){ line(x, 100, x, 400); } //LOCATION OF COLUMNS// int x1=140, x2=270, x3=370, x4=480, x5=580; //ROW SPACING// int y=85, dy=30; //BMI// for (int j=0; j 685 && mouseX < 785 && mouseY > 40 && mouseY < 90 ) l=random(255); x=random