NOTE: See projects.html for general requirements of all projects.


Based on the midterm & takehome, create a similar sketch with seven (7) fruits, and follow these additional requirements.

Use the same class (named with your own name) and use an array, rather than adding new variables (such as apple, melon, etc.) for each fruit.

Make each fruit a different color, as well as a different size and/or shape (such as an ellipse, rather than a circle).

Add a "rating" property to each fruit.
Each fruit should have its own "rating", based upon collisions, clicks, or some other value that changes over time.
(Don't worry about making it a "fair" game! Just make some rating value that changes oiver time.)

IMPORTANT: When the "P" key is pressed, pause all action and display a table showing the following information for each fruit:

For project #7:

When the "X" key is pressed, display the same table, but with the rows sorted by X value
When the "Y" key is pressed, display the same table, but with the rows sorted by Y value
When the "Z" key is pressed, display the same table, but with the rows sorted by rating value