float fishX = 0; //float fishY = 300; //float fishXX = 50; //float fishYY = 25; void setup ( ) { size ( 1020, 600 ); background ( 75 ); } void draw ( ) { background ( 75 ); drawFish ( ); //-- fishDoes ( fishX = 0); fishDoes ( ); } void drawFish ( ) { noStroke ( ); fill ( 150, 250, 250 ); ellipse ( fishX, 300, 50, 25 ); } //--void fishDoes ( float fishX ) { void fishDoes ( ) { //-- if ( fishX == 0 ) { fishX = fishX + 10; //-- } } /*the fish center is shifted too far right when fishDoes ( ) void fishDoes ( ) the fish center is at fishX=0 when fishDoes ( fishX = 0 ) void fishDoes ( float fishX ) getting the fish to move if fishX = 0 doesn't work either way removing the 'if' statement and keeping "fishX = fishX + 10;".. ..and reverting back to "fishDoes ( )" and "void fishDoes ( )" works.. ..but only in the positive direction without resetting to beginning need to find a way to make it work with the if statement another 'if' statement will be used when fishX = width the fish must move to the width and back*/