/** make classes for billiards and buttons represent billiards class as redKlima, greenKlima, blueKlima represent class buttons as red green blue table make button that says red reset the red billiard from the left make all billiard buttons do the same make table change color with table button **/ void setup ( ) { //setup screen size and background size ( 600, 600 ); background ( 50 ); reset ( ); } void reset ( ) { //reset billiards at random y values & velocities } void draw ( ) { //draw following functions over this background background ( 50 ); table ( ); billiards ( ); show ( ); } void table ( ) { //draw in light blue } void billiards ( ) { //draw billiards } void show ( ) { //display a rectangular button //if this button is pressed, reset balls to left at random heights/velocities (velocities being dx&dy) //include: boolean isHit( float x, float y ) { //return "true" if (x,y) is within this button's rectangle } void mousePressed ( ) { //if key=1, start red ball from left //if key=2, start green ball from left //if key=3, start blue ball from left //change table color to another color when mouse is pressed and when pressed again, the starting color is returned //hint: make it even number of times clicked = original color and the odd a new color }