/* Schools of fish are at random sizes, positions, and speeds... ..Boats sail in wavy water at random speeds back and fourh starting from the right. When a button that is on the screen is pressed using a mouse pressed method,.. ..make a diver come from a boat and swim around until a school of fish is hit. When fish is caught, make the fish disappear then make the diver.. ..swim directly under the boat, and then make him swim up to the boat. For final: make an elliptical button that works know how to use the function "new" know how to do arrays */ //most floats float a = 1; //--float sunX = 150; //--float sunY = 150; //integers int b = 2; //booleans boolean c = true; void setup ( ) { //setup size size ( 800, 500 ); } void draw ( ) { //draw these things scene ( ); boat ( ); fish ( ); } void scene ( ) { //make a background background ( 50 ); sky ( ); sun ( ); water ( ); waves ( ); } void sky ( ) { //put the sky in the backgound noStroke ( ); fill ( 100, 100, 200 ); rect ( width - width, height - height, width, height / 3 ); noStroke ( ); } void sun ( ) { //put the sun in the background noStroke ( ); fill ( 250, 250, 75 ); ellipse ( width / 2, height / 8, 75, 75 ); /* <<>> float arc = -70 * sin ( PI * sunX / width ); ellipseMode ( CORNER ); noStroke ( ); fill ( 255, 255, 100 ); ellipse ( sunX - 24, sunY - 24 + arc, 50, 50 ); sunX = sunX + 1; if ( sunX > width + 10 ) { sunX = 0; } */ } void water ( ) { //put water in the background noStroke ( ); fill ( 50, 50, 100 ); rect ( width - width, height / 3, width, height ); stroke ( 1 ); } void waves ( ) { //make an array of waves in the background } void boat ( ) { //an array of fleets of boats } void fish ( ) { //an array of schools of fish } /* <<>> void mousePressed ( ) { } void keyPressed ( ) { } */